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Writer's pictureSacramento District Church of the Nazarene

Special Edition: January


“I lift my eyes to the mountains. Where does my help come from?” Sacramento District Church Family, thank you for your help in seeking the Lord and His direction during this season of transition. The corporate prayer of our churches is powerful and is being heard! 

This past week, as we met with the DAC (District Advisory Council,) our alarms sounded at 1:21 and we paused our meeting to pray remembering the words of Psalm 121. At the same time many of your alarms sounded and you prayed as well. What a powerful thought to realize that we are together seeking God’s will for our district. 

This past month, 21 nominations for district superintendent were received from across the district and throughout the Nazarene world. Bios were compiled for each nominee including their educational and ministerial background. The DAC was able to review each of the candidates and during our meeting on January 9th we narrowed that list to 12 names. That list will now be sent to our Board of General Superintendents who will review it and return a list of approved nominees to the DAC. From there the DAC will narrow the list to 2 or 3 people we would like to interview. 

Our request is that you and your churches continue to pray for wisdom and direction in this process. God has a person ready and equipped to lead our district and our desire is to select the right person. In Acts 13 the prophets of Antioch were spending time in prayer and fasting and it says, “the Holy Spirit said, ‘Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.’” The Spirit guides when God’s people pray and fast. 

As we start this new year we, the Prayer and Communication Committee, are asking our district not only to join us in prayer, but to also join us in fasting. We are committing to fast each week between now and The Reunion. That might mean fasting one day a week as we pray for our new DS. It might mean fasting one meal a week with that same focus. For those who cannot give up a meal (maybe for medical reasons) they could fast from something else like television or social media. No matter how you choose to join us, our desire is that each of us do something as we unite our district in seeking the Lord.

Thank you for continuing on this journey with us as we intentionally pray for God’s will to be done in the future leadership of the Sacramento District. We are grateful for your partnership in this journey and are trusting and echoing the words of Paul in Philippians 4… “My God will supply according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. To our God and Father be glory forever and ever. Amen.”

God bless your day!


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